Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Five Things to Know about FST: November 18, 2021


1.  A new FDM Sprint began this week.  This sprint, led by Jacob Mair, Elissa Morton, and Katie Walker, will work in conjunction with the FST Functional Team to get us at 85% FDM Mapping completion by December 31, 2021.  Read more on the blog. 

2.  The Adaptive Planning Team and the Office of Financial Planning & Analysis want to hear your questions and concerns about future state budgeting!  Read more and access their "Ask Us Anything" site.

3.  See the new Workflow Control & Approvals roadmap that highlights what's coming up, including work with each unit on filling Workday roles.  See the map and read more on the blog. 

4.  Cycle 2 of end-to-end testing is moving smoothly.  Read a full update on the blog

5.  The System Remediation Network has been busy with workshops and is moving from the build phase to the testing phase as we get ready for go-live in July of 2022.  Read more about what's next on the blog.

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