Tuesday, November 16, 2021

New FDM Sprint

The December 31 deadline to have 85% of FDM Mapping complete is quickly approaching. Recognizing that if we’re to meet that deadline and have a fairly complete chart for testing, the team is enlisting additional resources to help us meet the goal and also to help optimize the new chart for managerial reporting. 

Jacob Mair, Elissa Morton, and Katie Walker will co-lead the effort in partnership with existing functional leaders, expanding the team to staff a sprint.

The sprint team’s tasks include seeking opportunities to create consistency on common, high-priority elements, creating documentation to help units implement the FDM, and optimizing the FDM for the "hard funding" managerial environment.  

You'll continue to see updates on this sprint here in the blog.  If you have questions or concerns related to FDM Mapping, please email the team at FDMMapping@virginia.edu, or visit our new Ask Us Anything page!

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