Monday, November 15, 2021

Workday Financials: Future Support Model


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UVAFinance is working with ITS and HR on how we will manage and support Workday Financials after implementation and stabilization.  We're developing this structure in real-time, and will keep you updated as we go. 

As you see in the graphic above, our approach consists of a cross-functional support team including the Workday Stakeholder Support team reporting to Bill Ashby (AVP for Financial Strategy) and the Workday Systems Support team reporting to Augie Maurelli (AVP for Financial Operations).  These two groups will have an integrated working relationship.  

There will also be an overarching Workday Coordination Group across Finance, HR, and ITS, providing governance that will coordinate the Workday platform across UVA.  As we work to build and staff the two teams, we expect to be recruiting and hiring for a number of critical positions in the Workday Finance Support team as well as in the broader UVAFinance organization.  

More details on these positions and the related recruitment process will be shared in the coming weeks.  Thank you for your continued support to this project, and please be on the lookout for additional information!

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