Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Don't miss an opportunity to recognize a deserving colleague

Nominations are due March 23 for the Leonard W. Sandridge Outstanding Contribution Award

Last year's Outstanding Contribution
Award Winners (including our wonderful Stacey!)
Faculty, staff, and team members are invited to nominate colleagues for the 2018 Leonard W. Sandridge Outstanding Contribution Award.  Recipients receive a $1,000 award and public recognition as part of receiving the highest honor for University of Virginia Staff.

Last year, UVAFinance's own Stacey Rittenhouse was among those honored.  For more information and to nominate outstanding staff members, please visit the appropriate page for your work area:

* Academic Division Outstanding Contribution Award webpage
* Health System Nomination Form

Thank you for taking the time to express your appreciation for colleagues who go above and beyond in their service to UVA and the Charlottesville/Albemarle community. 

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