Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Staff Changes in Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services

Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services (PSDS) has experienced some staffing changes within the Travel and Expense (T&E) team:

  • Dolores Hildebrand, the T&E program leader, has retired after a long career in PSDS. Thank you to everyone who came to her retirement celebration to say goodbye – she will be missed!
    • John McHugh has assumed her duties for this important program. 
  • Carrie McGowan, the Travel, Expense, and Card Program Manager, has accepted a position within the Vice President for Research Office effective today. PSDS is thankful for her contributions to the Expense and T&E Card Programs. 
    • Carrie’s T&E Card responsibilities have been assigned to Crystal Dollens and Raegan Harouff, who can be reached at
  • Lisa Atkins, the Travel and Expense Administrator, has accepted a position within Enterprise Applications to support Expense UVA and our procurement systems. Her last day in PSDS will be March 30th. PSDS appreciates her years of service to PSDS and her dedication to the Expense UVA project. We are glad that both Carrie and Lisa are staying within the UVA family.
    •  Korby Griffith will assume Lisa Atkins’ responsibilities beginning on April 1, 2018. Lisa (in the short term) and Korby can be reached at

The entire Travel and Expense team can be contacted by phone at PSDS’ main number 924-4212 and selecting “2”.

PSDS looks forward to maintaining the high level of service clients have become accustomed to throughout this transition of staff and service.

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