Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Learn more about negotiating with hotels at the Travel and Expense Expo

Do you book hotels for visitors or for events? Would you like to know more about interacting with UVA’s contracted hotels in the area?

Procurement and Supplier Diversity’s Adeline Coe has nearly five years’ dedicated experience in the international travel industry specifically connected to higher education, and she’s bringing her know-how and insider tips to you during the 2018 Travel & Expense Expo, in a special breakout seminar from 1-2pm. Coe understands the unique needs UVA has for hotels and spaces and has practical strategies to share with you on making sure those needs are met for your department or unit.

At the seminar, audience members can expect to

  • Get an understanding of how contracts work: what they do and what they don’t do
  • Learn how to negotiate what’s important to you and your area
  • Hear creative negotiation strategies
  • Get insight on how to speak to hotels in their language to your benefit.
See the full schedule of seminars here.

You don’t need to register for our seminars; just make sure and register for the Travel and Expense Expo here.

Those who pre-register receive double entries for a ton of fabulous door prizes!

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