Wednesday, March 7, 2018

From “Controller” to “Financial Reporting & Operations”

Since coming to UVAFinance in June of 2017, Assistant Vice President for Financial Operations Jerry Burke has tackled many projects, one of which has been the organization and alignment of functions within his area to more effectively handle changes coming to UVAFinance.

The role of AVP for Financial Operations is itself a departure from the previous role of Controller, and the newly revised structure of Burke’s area of Financial Operations is now a more clear reflection of the priorities behind the role.

In the new organizational structure, the former “Controller” area will now be called “Financial Reporting & Operations.” Management of the new unit will be shared between Thomas Schneeberger, Director of Financial Reporting, and Bill Define, Director of Financial Operations.

As AVP of Financial Operations, Burke also has oversight over Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services and Payroll Services.

New websites are in progress for Financial Reporting and Operations, Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services, and Payroll Services.

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