Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Financial Reporting & Operations Welcomes Jacob Mair

Financial Reporting & Operations is pleased to welcome Jacob Mair in the role of Financial Reporting Analyst. Mair comes to UVA from the Auditor of Public Accounts in Richmond, where he worked for three years.

A 2010 graduate of Christopher Newport University, Mair said he came to UVA on an auditing project with the APA, and so enjoyed the environment and people on Grounds and in Charlottesville that he was inspired to look for opportunities at UVA.

In his new role, Mair will assist with the preparation of financial statements. “Making sure everything is recorded properly and accounted for is grounding for me,” said Mair.

“The problem solving is stimulating and challenging.”

As a new resident of Charlottesville, Mair looks forward to taking advantage of the wealth of outdoor activities available here and also making time for trips to the Outer Banks for surfing.

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