Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Printing in UBI

Have you seen the latest helpful info on printing in UBI?

Printing Solution for Monthly PI BBA and Expenditure Reporting: this new solution facilitates printing by unique PTA combination using an Excel template and the new "For Printing" tabs in four existing UBI modules. The formatting can be fine-tuned to your needs (you can even add a department logo). With a little Excel and UBI work, this solution can be modified to support other printing use cases as well. Read more in the UBI Community on this page: https://ubicommunity.virginia.edu/docs/DOC-1434-ubi-printing-solution-for-pi-monthly-reporting

Print Optimization for UBI Reports: how to set up a print format that includes running headers, page numbers, and other features necessary for those who review printed UBI reports. All it takes is a one-time setup and you’re ready to roll. Visit this post in the community to learn more! https://ubicommunity.virginia.edu/docs/DOC-1326-ubi-print-optimizationpdf

For more on the topic of printing, see also:
Printing Recommendations (structured around use cases)

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