Monday, June 25, 2018

FP&A Announces Electronic Budget Adjustment System, BudgetUVA

The Office of Financial Planning and Analysis has partnered with CACS and Enterprise Applications to develop BudgetUVA, a tool that allows users to more effectively and efficiently manage their operating budgets.

Beginning in FY2019, operating budgets will no longer be loaded into the Integrated System. All budget administration will be handled via the BudgetUVA tool and in conjunction with reports available in UBI. The tool will allow end users, with proper access, to view and make adjustments to operating budgets within their areas of responsibility to better manage revised projections.

This means FP&A will no longer be installing, budgeting and funding operating budgets in the Integrated System. If a unit wishes to adjust their operating budget for changes in assumptions/projections, they can simply use BudgetUVA to make the necessary adjustments. There will no longer be a need to submit an ICOM form.

The process for loading and maintaining budgets in the Integrated System was identified as a major pain point for both central units and the schools/units. Both the budget load and the processing of ICOMs are manual processes that take approximately 1,500 working hours across Grounds to complete. 

By moving to an electronic budget adjustment system, we eliminate the need for paper passing from unit to unit, and schools/units have more flexibility in the management of their budgets. The new process allows users to develop revised budgets while maintaining original budgets for comparison purposes.

Note:  This tool will NOT be used for any sponsored program-related budgets or capital projects. These project to date budgets will continue to be managed in the Integrated System.

Beginning on Monday, July 2nd, the tool will be accessible via 

Users will be required to log in via Joint VPN/NetBadge and access will be limited to only their assigned Awards and Projects.

Job aids will be available soon, but in the meantime, if you have questions, please reach out to Nicole Ferretti or another member of the FP&A team. Your feedback is welcome, and could help as enhancements to the tool continue to be made.

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