Friday, June 1, 2018

Meet the Green Team

The Carruthers Hall Green Team consists of employees like yourself who have an interest in making their workplace greener through incorporating more sustainable practices.

Sustainable practices include composting leftover food from meetings/ events, recycling, hosting zero waste events/ meetings, purchasing, and even acts as simple as turning off the lights in an empty room. There are many ways we can be more sustainable and your green team is here to help you do that!

You'll see more and more from the Green Team in the blog and around Carruthers Hall in the coming weeks. In the meantime, feel free to chat with a Green Team member with questions and ideas.

Green Team Members:
Mariah Kier – Green Team Lead
Anne Marie Cumiskey
Tanya Rahman
Mara Hilliar
Lori Ponton
Kristin Floyd
Isaiah Behnke
Christopher Doran
Brandi Van Ormer

Disha Venkatesan – Supporting Leadership
Dana Schroeder – Sustainability Specialist

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