Monday, April 20, 2020

Farewell to John McHugh

A note from Augie Maurelli, Assistant Vice President for Financial Operations

After more than 23 years of service, John McHugh has decided to leave UVA for other opportunities with his last working day in the virtual office was April 22nd.

John has been a great colleague during my short tenure here and I know everyone recognizes all of his efforts over the decades. During the course of his career, he has participated, facilitated and executed billions of dollars’ worth of purchases that have gone toward supporting the vision and mission of UVA.

In this current environment, it is unfortunate that we cannot celebrate his accomplishments and experiences in person and typical of his humble nature, John has requested to not have a formal "virtual" gathering.

 All of UVAFinance wishes him and his family well and the best of luck in his new endeavors.

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