Thursday, April 23, 2020

Resources and Information During the Coronavirus Response

  • All Zoomed Out? Mark Anderson shared this great article about Zoom fatigue that might come in handy.
  • UBI Update to find COVID-related transactions and POs: The UBI team has created a new field in GA_Analysis_Actuals and PO_Reporting modules to help identify COVID related transactions - it does this by looking for wildcard matches to "*COVID*" and "*Corona*" in Comments field, Project Name, Award Name, and Task Name. It will not be 100% accurate and may pick up some false positives (especially “*Corona*”) but if you are looking for directional indicators of spending related to the current crisis we hope this helps.
  • Mindfulness:   1% Challenge (sign up 4/13 – 5/11)  Dedicate 14 minutes of your day in live or on-demand mindfulness sessions, plus earn rewards  Sign up between 4/13 – 5/11
  • UVAFinance COVID-19 FAQ:  Updated consistently for your convenience:
  • UVAFinance resources on working remotely in the crisis:

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