Thursday, April 9, 2020

Virtual Shout Out Board

From: Mara Hiliar, VP Finance Office
To: Nick Williams, SFS

Over the weekend, I was added to the SFS distribution list, and since yesterday (I don’t know how long he has been doing this), I have been getting a daily recipe from Nick. Food connects us all (you know that SFS group is always having food downstairs). I just wanted to share how it has made me smile during this uncertain time and since all of our communications/connections are centered around business now, really feel like something is missing – missing my UVAFinance peeps. Even though I am an introvert, I do miss the idle chatter, laughing, hiding behind my plants, etc.

Nick is definitely keeping his SFS colleagues “well-fed” and “in the know.” Plus he makes me smile.

Want to give a colleague a Shout Out?  Email it to 

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