Thursday, April 9, 2020

Resources and Information during the Coronavirus Response

UVA Virtual Town Hall:

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Covid-19 Resources

Zooming Securely:  Zoom Tips from FOC and your LSPs:

FEAP SEMINAR:  Communicating Effectively During Difficult Conversations

Monica Maughlin, MEd, LPC, CEAP

Learn how to prepare yourself for challenging conversations and how to repair with others when things go awry. Want to learn helpful strategies that will allow you to recognize what is happening within you and between yourself and others in challenging interactions? In this interactive session, participants will increase their knowledge and understanding of how to lay the groundwork for productive and successful interactions with others, and strategies for engaging in and maintaining productive dialogue.

 Live Webinar (via Zoom)  Tuesday, April 21, 3:30 – 4:30 PM  REGISTER ONLINE

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