Thursday, August 13, 2020

Finance Transformation Updates

Want to listen to this update instead of reading it? Tune into this week's WFST Radio Broadcast!

The FST project team is preparing to implement recommended worktags into UVA's first tenant build in Workday Financials. This preliminary build will enable users to interact with the setup during the configuration and prototype period later this year and provide feedback. 

Schools and units used Adaptive Planning to submit recast FY21 budgets, and the project team is gathering feedback now that will help make the FY22 budgeting process go as smoothly as possible. 

The Spend Focus Group, comprising representatives from schools and units, met for the first time recently. The group's vision is to shape the following:
  • A shared understanding of how Spend processes can and should work
  • A common-sense approach to Spend – distilling complexity until we can get our processes as clean and simple as possible
  • A universal language to articulate business needs

With some of the added time afforded by the timeline extension, the team has extended the project's Architect phase. System remediation work continues to determine what changes will be necessary and plan to support schools and units that need to remediate their systems.

Communication overload?  Check out our handy guide for what FST channel to check out based on what you want to know and how much time you have!
What is FST, really?  HINT:  It's not just a Workday Implementation!  Read more here on the blog.

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