Sunday, August 9, 2020

Updated FST Timeline and Training Info on the Community

The updated FST timeline with the 2022 Go-Live date is now on the Community.

This new timeline briefly describes what to expect during each stage of transformation; it also lists ways in which you can be involved.

Aside from the timeline itself, this Community post is worth a view because Patty Marbury, the FST Training and Development Lead, provided some highly requested information on training in a comment on the page. 

 "Currently we are in the process of developing the training strategy," Marbury explains. "[This] will include decisions on training modalities--likely instructor-led, in-person training (assuming that will be possible), webinars, demos, online training, and office hours to provide 1:1 support post go-live." 

For more of what Marbury has to say on training, you can click here to see the post in the Community.

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