Tuesday, November 29, 2022

November Account Certification Deadline Moved to January 20

As you may have noted on the Workday Finance Known Issues page, the multi-funding source (MFS) engine is not running properly and is not expected to deliver correct accounting information until mid-December.

As we await a promised fix from our Workday partners, we will not be generating November account certifications on December 1st. We hope to have account certifications distributed by December 15th and are extending the deadline for November Account Certification to close of business on Friday, January 20th. We do not anticipate a change in the timeline for December account certifications.

The monthly close is still Wednesday, November 30  

November Monthly Close Deadlines have been posted

 Find important monthly close deadlines that impact your work on the UVAFinance website: https://uvafinance.virginia.edu/workday-financials/monthly-close-activities 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Five Things to Know about Finance: November 17, 2022


1.  Instead of holding Office Hours this November, UVAFinance trainers offer one-on-one time you can that can be scheduled individually.  Visit the Workday Finance Training page if you'd like to schedule some Time with a Trainer; just look for the area you need help with!

2.  Procurement has altered its payment schedule on November 23-25 to accommodate the Thanksgiving holidays.  on the 22nd the AP team will make all payments scheduled through December 2nd. Payments suitable for processing must be fully approved and ready for settlement by 9 am on November 22nd.  The daily stabilization payment schedule will reconvene on November 28th.

3.  The FST & UVAFinance Team are updating resources and processes related to spend, match exception, old purchase orders, and more on the UVAFinance website.  

4.  The process for submitting a non-catalog form changes on November 21, moving from Marketplace to Workday.  This should help decrease match exceptions and increase prompt payment.  Here's a quick reference guide that outlines the new process.

5.  VP for Finance Melody Bianchetto announced her retirement effective February 3, 2023.  A search committee is being convened to find her successor.  We will miss her deeply!

FST Update: November 17, 2022

Time with a Trainer for One-on-One Workday Finance Assistance

 We’ve had almost two dozen individual Time with Trainer sessions so far in November.  If you find yourself needing some help with Workday and it’s the kind of thing you’d normally have come to Office Hours to sort out, go to the Workday FinanceTraining page and sign up for one on one time with our finance trainers – you can choose the area you need help in, from account certification, to purchase requisitions, to expense reports, and so forth, and get on a trainer’s schedule who has expertise in that.

Multiple FST Resources / Updates

  • Spend Issues: We continue to track and report on Spend issues caused by the conversion from Oracle to Workday Financials on the UVAFinance website (match exceptions, old purchase orders, etc.).  
  • Change to Non-Catalog Form: UVA Procurement is making a change to the process used to submit a non-catalog form by moving the process from UVAMarketplace to Workday. This new form will go into effect on 21 November 2022. This change to the non-catalog form is an integral component of improving our Payables operation. Read more on the blog.
  • Fund Balances: During FST, many schools and units participated in optional Fund Balance Realignment activities facilitated by central finance and the project team. Inaccurate fund balances can result in some cases if schools and units didn't participate in the exercise. Users can access the Day in the Life of a Fiscal Administrator (Reporting FAQ) resource to find guidance on which reports can be used to find fund balances.  
  • Account Certification: We will continue to track issues with Account certification on the UVAFinance website.To help our colleagues with Account Certification while we work on enhancements, we have collected resources and guidance for your convenience. See all the resources listed here on the blog.
  • Deferred Items (Updated November 15): The project team is in the process of addressing 51 items that were deferred at go-live.  These items represent pre-existing requirements that the team was aware of at go live, as opposed to opportunities for enhancements.  You can see the full listing of deferred items, their status, and their impact, on the FST portion of the UVAFinance website (just click on "Full Listing of Deferred Items").
  • See also this handy FAQ from the November Fiscal Administrators' meeting, addressing several questions our attendees had about purchase orders, fund balances, reporting, account certification, and more.


UVAFinance In Action: November 17, 2022

Joyce Gredler of Business Assets & Cost Recovery coordinated both the Department of Army and Office of Naval Research yearly reviews for the first time this year, efforts which represent a tremendous amount of work, with successful outcomes and commendations.  

Congratulations, Joyce!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Procurement Holiday Payment Schedule

Procurement will alter its payment schedule on November 23rd – 25th to accommodate the Thanksgiving holidays.  

On November 22nd the Accounts Payable team will make all payments scheduled through December 2nd. Payments suitable for processing must be fully approved and ready for settlement by 9AM on November 22nd.  The daily stabilization payment schedule will reconvene on November 28th.

This schedule is made available to help you prepare in advance for the handling of your payments. To review the status of a payment, please search Find Supplier Invoices and Find Payments in Workday.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and have an enjoyable holiday!

Reminder: UVAFinance Compliance Calendar

The UVAFinance Compliance Calendar was migrated from Sharepoint to Salesforce this summer and went live last week. Everything from policy review cycles, UAO Certifications, and other compliance tasks can be assigned, tracked, and "reminded" within Salesforce.

Instructions for accessing the Compliance Calendar tasks in Salesforce can be found in the Quick Links in the bottom left corner of Salesforce.

Fund Balances: Finding Clarity

During the Finance Strategic Transformation project, many schools and units participated in optional Fund Balance Realignment activities facilitated by central finance and the project team.  Inaccurate fund balances can result in some cases if schools and units didn't participate in the exercise. 

To help with this, we're in the process of developing a fund balance mini-course, and users can also access the Day in the Life of a Fiscal Administrator (Reporting FAQ) resource, which includes guidance around which reports to use to view fund balances. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Change to Non-Catalog Form Effective November 21

UVA Procurement is making a change to the process used to submit a non-catalog form by moving the process from UVAMarketplace to Workday.

This decision comes after much research and discussion. We piloted the change with a focus group of super-users across UVA grounds and the feedback was very positive.

This new form will go into effect on 21 November 2022. This change to the non-catalog form is an integral component of improving our Payables operation. We understand that this transition has the potential to affect each department's daily operations greatly and are committed to supporting you through the transition.

Why are we making this change?

Moving the non-catalog form from UVAMarketplace to Workday will allow us to use the service line functionality in Workday. This means that if you are purchasing a service, you can create a service line instead of a goods line. The service line allows for an unlimited number of invoices to be matched against the line until the funds run out.

By using service lines, we will be able to decrease our match exceptions by 25% which will improve prompt payment to suppliers and decrease the administrative burden on both central and department employees who resolve match exceptions.

What is the change impact?

The foremost change impact on end users is the assign cart functionality is no longer available for non-catalog orders.  If you or members of your department use the non-catalog form to assign the cart to a fiscal administrator, this will not be possible for non-catalog forms after November 21st.  This functionality will remain for all catalog orders using a punchout or hosted catalog.

How can you make the transition successful?
  • Review this QRG that outlines the new process.
  • View this list of department individuals who were at the demo of this process to find your internal point of contact for this change.
  • If you or members of your department often assign non-catalog carts to fiscal administrators, your business operations may need to be adjusted.  End users may request the Procurement Shopper role using the Security-Based Access Request in Workday and completing the required training.  This will allow them to have access to the new non-catalog form in Workday and to submit their own carts.  
  • Communicate this change to affected end users in your organization so they are prepared for the transition
For any questions or concerns, please email askfinance@virginia.edu.

Expanding Opportunities for Local, Minority-Owned Businesses

Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services continues to work toward the goals outlined in an ambitious three-phase plan that aims to double the percentage of local and minority-owned business partnering with UVA and raise University spending with local businesses by 10% by 2025.

The plan, which you can read more about in detail on UVAToday, was developed in partnership with the University of Virginia's Local Economy Working Group.

Mark Cartwright, Director of Supplier Diversity, explains that as a part of the plan, the approximately 300 local certified small, women, and minority-owned businesses with which UVA currently does not have a working relationship will be analyzed, surveyed, and triaged to determine the best path forward in the business relationship.

Says Cartwright, "it's a matter of determining whether they provide products or services that the university procures, whether they have interest in doing business with UVA and whether they have the capacity and scale to work with UVA. For those businesses with an interest in selling to the university but lacking current capacity, we’ll try to connect them to the appropriate resources to get them better prepared to service the university.”

Using the information collected during the early stage of the project, Supplier Diversity will then take some concrete steps with UVA's schools and business units to reach the goals set out in the plan. Cartwright and his team have plans for outreach across Grounds that include sharing data, making connections, and increasing visibility within the SWaM business community.

The UVA community can expect more useful developments resulting from this plan as 2022 draws to a close and 2023 begins.

Related Content: The President's Council on UVA/Community Partnerships ; UVA Partners with SupplierGATEWAY 

Data Analysis, Funding Strategy Support Capital Project on Grounds

UVAFinance’s work across Grounds can often be behind-the-scenes but sometimes it is front and center, such as right at the Emmet-Ivy entrance corridor.

A new hotel and conference center and the School of Data Science will anchor the 15-acre area to serve as a central point to University Grounds, as well as an entrance corridor for visitors to the University.

With any University capital project, UVAFinance is involved in helping manage the identified funding sources, such as state funding, cash reserves, gifts from donors, and debt.

“This project is unique in that it is direct revenue generating,” says UVA Treasurer Julie Richardson. “The hotel and conference center, when fully operational, will provide income through overnight lodging, meeting and event facilities, and food and beverage.”

With revenue generating projects, UVA Treasury looks at the projected timing and availability of revenues to access debt sources, in a strategic manner. The strategy is in analyzing cash flow for the business, consider asset operating costs, reserves and revenue assumptions.

 (Deborah Berke Partners/Hanbury Architects)

“This project took a lot of data analysis and evaluating a variety of loan structures,” Richardson says. “We carefully analyzed the type of debt we could access and calculated the projected revenue and timing to support the debt service.”Generally, UVAFinance is involved in identifying capital sources for building projects around the time that it is being developed to present to the Board of Visitors’ Building and Grounds Committee. Richardson and team run scenarios on sequencing and sizing of multiple funding sources. This information helps leadership make decisions on the financial structuring of projects.

In 2021, the Board of Visitors approved the designs for the state-of-the-art, 223,000-square-foot hotel and conference center.

“Construction timing of all capital projects is important, but it was even more so with the hotel and conference center building,” Richardson explains. “We developed a timeline on when we expect specific revenue and how the loans would be structured. Essentially, we are making an investment that we want to benefit the entire University Community.”

The hotel construction is estimated to be completed by spring 2025 with an opening planned for later in the summer. The hotel and conference center will be open to the public and will facilitate University events and gatherings. The 214-room hotel also will offer approximately 25,000 square feet of conference center space and provide the University convenient, centrally located accommodations for visiting scholars and lecturers, prospective faculty members and students, returning alumni, career recruiters and other visitors.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Submit a Nomination for Sustainability Leadership Award

The UVA Office of Sustainability is excited to share that the 2022 Sustainability Leadership Award is now taking nominations! An initiative of UVA’s Committee on Sustainability, the award will honor those who exhibit a strong commitment to advancing sustainability practices and solutions at UVA and in our community.

Nominations are accepted in each of four categories: UVA students/groups; UVA staff/departments; UVA faculty/departments; and community members or groups. You may nominate yourself or your group, department, or organization, or you may nominate others.

The deadline is Nov. 27.  Please consider submitting a nomination and/or helping spread the word!

Legislative Forum November 29

Please join the Office of State Government Relations for our annual Legislative Forum on Tuesday, November 29 from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. in the Alumni Hall Ballroom. The Legislative Forum is open to members of the University and local communities.

The Forum will feature delegates and senators from central Virginia who will share their perspectives about the 2023 General Assembly Session, including issues affecting higher education, healthcare, and the local community. Time will be reserved for questions.

CVC Update November 2022

Here's where UVA's Commonwealth of Virginia (CVC) 2022 giving stands as of November 9. 

To participate in this year’s CVC, use the pledge form at cvc.virginia.edu. If you have questions about the CVC, email uvacvc@virginia.edu.

Total Amount Raised by UVA: $418,660 (52.33% of the $800,000 goal)

Top 15 UVA Areas by % of Employees Participating in CVC Giving

1.  Communications - 34.9%
2. Audit & Compliance - 29.6%
3. Miller Center - 22.2%
4. Operations 21.2%
5. Advancement 20.8%
6. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Community Partnerships - 20.6%
7. EVP/COO Office - 16.7%
8. EVP/Provost Office - 9.6 %
9. President's Office - 9.6%
10. University Counsel - 6.7%
11. UVAFinance - 5.9%
12. School of Data Science - 5.3%
13. Information Technology Services -4.7%
14. Human Resources - 4.6%
15. School of Continuing and Professional Development - 3.7%

Top 15 UVA Areas by $ Amount Raised

1.  School of Medicine - $167,694
2. UVA Medical Center - $45,636
3. College of Arts & Sciences - $24,280
4. Information Technology Services - $21,496
5. Advancement - $16,031
6.  School of Engineering - $14,170
7. Batten School - $11,500
8. EVP/COO Office - $10,525
9. Operations - $9,885
10. Darden - $7,650
11. Communications - $7,250
12. UVAFinance - $7,029
13. Human Resources - $6,835
14. McIntire - $6,260
15. Law - $6,020

Vice President for Finance Melody Bianchetto Announces Retirement

Vice President for Finance Melody Bianchetto recently announced her intention to retire from University Service effective February 3, 2023.

Bianchetto is a dedicated alumna, a UVA parent, and a longtime University employee.  After graduating from the University with a B.S. in Commerce in 1988, she worked for Ernst & Young and two other firms before returning to UVA in 1996. She has brought technical expertise, institutional knowledge, and passion to her work for 26 years, and has risen through the ranks here at UVA. 

Bianchetto began as a senior budget analyst in 1996, was promoted to budget manager in 1997, and then to director of budget in 1998. She earned an MBA from JMU while working full-time. In 2006, she was named assistant vice president for budget and financial planning; in 2013, she was promoted to associate vice president for finance. Finally, in 2015, she was named vice president for finance.
Bianchetto's legacy at the University is both broad and deep. She will be remembered for her  collaboration on initiatives that include:
  • sponsoring technology solutions, including Finance Strategic Transformation, Adaptive Planning, University Business Intelligence, TravelUVA, and others
  • serving on the team that achieved three record-breaking bond issuances and overseeing the University’s $3.2 billion AAA-rated debt portfolio 
  • establishing the financial model for and stewarding the financial management of the strategic investment fund 
  • creating the financial plans to enable the stability of AccessUVA, the creation of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the School of Data Science, the construction of capital projects across Grounds from the John Paul Jones Arena to the South Lawn, the reduction the University’s deferred maintenance backlog, and financial self-sufficiency for the Law and Darden Schools 
  • leading the annual budget process that established balanced budgets through significant state budget reductions, periods of strategic investments, and the COVID-19 pandemic
  • constructing the University’s management agreement with the Commonwealth that provides extensive decentralized authority in finance, procurement, human resources, information technology, and capital.
Bianchetto has partnered with colleagues across Grounds to support their strategic initiatives and set an example for others in her intentional work to develop her team. In addition, she has carefully led diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts within UVAFinance and expanded the supplier diversity program for the entire University.

EVP COO J.J. Davis will convene a search committee in the coming weeks for Bianchetto's successor.  In the meantime, please join UVAFinance in congratulating Melody and thanking her for her excellent work and her lasting influence on the University!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

W-4 Form Update Reminder

As the new year approaches, the Payroll Department reminds you to review your Federal tax withholding. You may need to submit a new W-4 form if you have experienced any changes in your filing situation this year (e.g., got married, have a secondary source of income, have new dependents, etc.).

You can update your W-4 Form any time in Workday by typing ‘Withholding Elections’ in the search bar at the top of your Workday home screen.

Please be aware that Payroll is not authorized to provide tax advice. For specific questions, you should contact your tax advisor.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

FST Updates: November 3, 2022


Office Hours Wrap Up, Segue into Time with a Trainer

Since July 11th, after the go-live of Workday Financials, around 3,000 people have participated in open office hours, but as people are getting more confident in many areas of the system, attendance is significantly tapering off, so we’re discontinuing office hours for November.  But we know people still need support, so we’re pleased to announce Time with a Trainer. This is more of a one-on-one learning time, where people can book a time with a finance trainer to ask their questions and get help.  Visit the Workday Finance Training page to schedule Time with a Trainer.

Tracking Issues During Stabilization

As we move through the stabilization period of the FST project, the team’s primary area of focus shifts to conducting knowledge transfer, making sure that we are ready to provide the best ongoing end-user support, that we’re ironing out known issues, and that the support team is prepared for the future state.   To that end, we keep tracking and reporting on those areas that are on our colleagues’ minds – areas like account certification, reporting, and of course, procurement.  

You can follow along with these areas (and get resources and guidance) and all other deferred items on the UVAFinance website (click on "Items in Progress").  

Reporting & Analytics Release (& RAD 2.0)

The Reporting and Analytics team has again provided us with a nice big update as of October 28 that includes, among other things, some great news about the release of RAD 2.0, which will provide a one-stop shop for all your grant and post-award financial needs.  Don’t forget that the team also has a new resource called “Day in the Life of a Fiscal Administrator,” which recommends reports for common tasks and data needs.  Find the updates and resources on the UVAFinance website.

Five Things to Know about Finance: November 3, 2022


1.  Instead of holding Office Hours, UVAFinance trainers are offering one-on-one time you can that can be scheduled individually.  Visit the Workday Finance Training page if you'd like to schedule some Time with a Trainer; just look for the area you need help with!

2. UVAFinance is tracking deferred items and areas experiencing challenges post-go-live of Workday Financials (spend, account certification, fund balances, etc.) on the UVAFinance website.  Get resources and guidance, plus see the status of all deferred items on this page. 

3.  Reporting & Analytics has a new release, which includes RAD 2.0 and Fiscal Administrator Spotlight reports (all you have to do is search "Spotlight" in the Workday search bar).  View the full release notes.

4.  Budgeting Season has kicked off as of November 2!  From here schools and units will work on tuition/fee proposals before the BOV meeting on December 8/9.

5. FST is in the Stabilization Phase and set to close in 2022.  While the project officially ends in 2022, the continuous improvement focus will be ongoing.

Help with Account Certification

Since the transition to Workday Financials, a few processes have been rockier than others, and one of the more difficult ones has been Account Certification. 

We will continue to track issues with Account certification on the UVAFinance website. 

When we talk with affected colleagues about Account Certification, here are the top pain points folks mention:

  1. Omission of payroll, SIS details, and fund balance/budget vs. actuals in the Account Certification view.
  2. Numerous manual processes, such as filtering to eliminate 0 ledger accounts and drilling into each line
  3. Confusion around marking variances and filtering out 0 ledger account lines

With those pain points in mind, we're exploring a few key enhancements:

  1. Hiding $0 balances
  2. Pre-populating certain ledger accounts
  3. Memos on journals
  4. SIS detail, which would ideally be integrated via reporting
To help our colleagues with Account Certification while we work on those enhancements, here are some resources and guidance: 

Account Certification View
  • Export the report to Excel but still keep the report up on Workday; this will help you drill into transactions you need more information on. The downloaded excel sheet can also help to “track” what lines you reviewed; for more details refer to this page
Dashboard Time Limit
  • To avoid losing your changes when reviewing Account Certification, click the “Save for Later” button

Account Certification Best Practices

Haunted by PG00847 DO NOT MAP?

Don't worry; it's a valid code!  

Back when we were going through the FDM mapping exercise, the PG00847 DO NOT MAP code was created to tag PTAOs we thought were no longer in use.  

These aren't unallowed codes; instead, they are meant as a "red flag" to signal that the transaction needs to be checked.  These often result from PTAOs we thought weren't in use anymore but were somewhere in a database to be used for a recurring charge.  If you need to change for ISD billing, just contact the ISP.

Addressing Spend Issues

We continue to track and report on Spend issues caused by the conversion from Oracle to Workday Financials on the UVAFinance website (match exceptions, old purchase orders, etc.).  

See all the latest here, including resources to help, as reported in the November 2 Fiscal Administrator's meeting (aren't you going to the Fiscal Administrator's meeting?  You should!  You can see the slides here, (just click on "For Fiscal Administrators," but you can attend via Zoom and get your questions answered live!)

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

CVC Update October 2022

Here's the first Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) Update for 2022.  All figures are as of October 26.  Watch for more updates as the campaign progresses. 

To participate in this year’s CVC, use the pledge form at cvc.virginia.edu. If you have questions about the CVC, email uvacvc@virginia.edu.

Total Amount Raised by UVA:
$245,571 (30% of $800,000 goal)

Top 15 UVA Areas by % of Employees Participating in CVC Giving
1.  Communications - 27.9%
2. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Community Partnerships - 17.6%
3. Miller Center - 16.7%
4. Advancement - 15.8%
5. Audit & Compliance - 14. 8%
6. EVP/COO Office - 12.5%
7. EVP/Provost Office - 7.7%
8. University Counsel - 6.7%
9. President's Office - 6.1%
10. Operations - 5.3%
11. UVAFinance - 4.2%
12. Human Resources - 4%
13. Information Technology Services - 3.8%
14. School of Continuing & Professional Development - 3.2%
15. Enrollment - 2.7%

Top 15 UVA Areas by $ Amount Raised
1.  School of Medicine - $60,784
2. UVA Medical Center - $37,116
3. College of Arts & Sciences - $22, 375
4. Information Technology Services - $19,316
5. School of Engineering - $11,145
6. EVP/COO Office - $10,375
7. Advancement- $9,521
8. Darden - $6,650
9. Communications - $6,600
10. McIntire - $6,620
11. Human Resources - $6,240
12. School of Law - $5,720
13. Athletics - $4,385
14. UVAFinance - $3,559
15. School of Education & Human Development - $3,515

UVA Staff Senate Issues Final Flex Work Report

This past June 2022, Staff Senate sent out two surveys to all University staff regarding flex/remote work, one for all staff, and one for managers. Excluding Classified staff, who are subject to the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Telework policy, the survey was sent to over 6,235 employees.  1,540 employees completed the staff survey, and 355 managers completed the manager’s survey (resulting in a 30% response rate). 

The Staff Senate Flex Work working group reviewed the results and compiled a final report and recommendations. This report has been sent to UVA leadership, and our Staff Senate Co-Chairs are now meeting with leadership to discuss the report and recommendations.

  The report has been posted to the Staff Senate website.

Thanks to Myron Ballard, Co-Lead of the Flex Work Working Group, and Logan Hobbs & Patrick Wood, Finance Staff Senators.

Budget Season has Kicked Off: What's Next?

November 2 was UVA's official Budget Kickoff session.  What's up next in tuition, fee, and budget key activities? 
  • November 11: Student tuition and fee committee meeting
  • 10 days public notice: public comment session on proposed increase range for undergraduate tuition and fees
  • Late November / Early December: Finalize tuition and fee proposal
  • December 8-9: Board of Visitors considers tuition and fee proposal
  • March 3: Budget and Multi-Year Financial Plans (MYFPs) due
  • June 1-2: Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) budget approval by the Board of Visitors
  • July 1: FY24 begins
As we move through the rest of 2022, remember that the Budget Team is ready to assist via askfinance@virginia.edu, and they will also continue to hold office hours weekly through December.

Wellness Resources

UVA Vaccination Clinics for Flu and COVID-19

CVS Health will provide flu vaccinations and COVID-19 boosters at Newcomb Hall on November 15, 16, and 17, 2022. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to pre-register for a vaccination clinic and participate.

Please note:
  • The clinics are by appointment only so please pre-register
  • The cost is $0 with most insurance providers, please bring your insurance card to the clinic
  • There is no cash option for this clinic
  • For questions regarding your appointment, please contact VaccineClinics@CVSHealth.com
Vaccination Clinic Options – please choose one and register:

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Newcomb Hall Commonwealth Room
Click here to register

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Newcomb Hall South Meeting Room
Click here to register

Thursday, November 17, 2022
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Newcomb Hall Commonwealth Room
Click here to register


Learn Simple Ways to Feel Better & Be More Productive- Did you know that simple ergonomic adjustments can increase your productivity and reduce physical pain? Join Hoos Well to learn how to incorporate simple solutions within your workday to perform and feel better.
Date: November 15, 2022, 12 noon
Find more info and register HERE.


Cultivate Focus - FEAP’s offering Tune as You Go to Flourish, within FEAP for You, now offers brief practices that help you reclaim and strengthen your focus.
Explore Focus-Building Exercises

UVA Compliance Helpline

UVA is committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies. The UVA Compliance Helpline is a confidential channel for employees to report unethical, illegal, or suspicious behavior.

Visit report.virginia.edu or call (800) 235-8700 to submit a concern. Both allow for anonymity (if desired) and are available 24/7.

The University’s integrity relies on you. If you see something, say something.