Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Five Things to Know about Finance: November 3, 2022


1.  Instead of holding Office Hours, UVAFinance trainers are offering one-on-one time you can that can be scheduled individually.  Visit the Workday Finance Training page if you'd like to schedule some Time with a Trainer; just look for the area you need help with!

2. UVAFinance is tracking deferred items and areas experiencing challenges post-go-live of Workday Financials (spend, account certification, fund balances, etc.) on the UVAFinance website.  Get resources and guidance, plus see the status of all deferred items on this page. 

3.  Reporting & Analytics has a new release, which includes RAD 2.0 and Fiscal Administrator Spotlight reports (all you have to do is search "Spotlight" in the Workday search bar).  View the full release notes.

4.  Budgeting Season has kicked off as of November 2!  From here schools and units will work on tuition/fee proposals before the BOV meeting on December 8/9.

5. FST is in the Stabilization Phase and set to close in 2022.  While the project officially ends in 2022, the continuous improvement focus will be ongoing.

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