Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Budget Season has Kicked Off: What's Next?

November 2 was UVA's official Budget Kickoff session.  What's up next in tuition, fee, and budget key activities? 
  • November 11: Student tuition and fee committee meeting
  • 10 days public notice: public comment session on proposed increase range for undergraduate tuition and fees
  • Late November / Early December: Finalize tuition and fee proposal
  • December 8-9: Board of Visitors considers tuition and fee proposal
  • March 3: Budget and Multi-Year Financial Plans (MYFPs) due
  • June 1-2: Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) budget approval by the Board of Visitors
  • July 1: FY24 begins
As we move through the rest of 2022, remember that the Budget Team is ready to assist via askfinance@virginia.edu, and they will also continue to hold office hours weekly through December.

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