Tuesday, November 1, 2022

UVA Staff Senate Issues Final Flex Work Report

This past June 2022, Staff Senate sent out two surveys to all University staff regarding flex/remote work, one for all staff, and one for managers. Excluding Classified staff, who are subject to the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Telework policy, the survey was sent to over 6,235 employees.  1,540 employees completed the staff survey, and 355 managers completed the manager’s survey (resulting in a 30% response rate). 

The Staff Senate Flex Work working group reviewed the results and compiled a final report and recommendations. This report has been sent to UVA leadership, and our Staff Senate Co-Chairs are now meeting with leadership to discuss the report and recommendations.

  The report has been posted to the Staff Senate website.

Thanks to Myron Ballard, Co-Lead of the Flex Work Working Group, and Logan Hobbs & Patrick Wood, Finance Staff Senators.

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