Monday, December 12, 2022

FST Update: December 13, 2022

This is the last Finance Strategic Transformation Update of 2022 . . . and, if you can believe, it, EVER!

Want to listen instead of reading?  Tune in to WFST Radio.

Engagement is Ongoing in 2023

Thank you for the meetings you’ve attended, the WFST broadcasts you’ve listened to, the blog digests you’ve read, the emails you’ve tried to keep up with, the effort you’ve given to the project, the questions you’ve asked, the time you’ve taken:  thank you.  Sincerely.

The spirit of collaboration forged during the project will carry forward into 2023 and beyond.  Fiscal Administrators will continue to meet monthly, along with regular meetings of the Business Officers Council, continuous improvement focus groups, and All Pods Groups. See more detail in the blog.

Help is Available

In addition, the UVAFinance Trainers will soon release a new slate of one on one Time with a Trainer time slots that you can slide into if you need help with Workday Financials.  Although FST is officially ending, the support and collaboration from the finance team aren’t ending, and neither is the individual and collective change journey that you and your team will experience.  See more resources in this edition of the blog:  Match Exceptions,  Reporting & Analytics Release Notes, New Account Certification Resources, Update on Non-Catalog Requisitions

Listening Tours in the New Year

When we’re all back from the holiday break, the Change Enablement & Continuous Improvement  will engage in Listening Tours, gathering info on what UVA schools and units need in terms of support as they move forward with our new systems and processes.

Have a wonderful holiday season!




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