Monday, December 5, 2022

Wellness Resources December 2022

From Hoos Well

New Social Well-Being Doman: Hoos Wells recently added a new Social Well-Being domain which includes a variety of resources to help you build your social well-being.

Research shows that building social well-being can reduce stress and enhance health and longevity, and that healthy relationships may be the single most important determinant of happiness.


Have you been unable to attend a FEAP webinar that sounded interesting? No worries, you can view recordings of previous events on the FEAP for You website. A variety of topics are available including:
  • Fostering the Mental Well-Being of College Age Students
  • Sustaining Personal Resilience in Challenging Times
  • Train Your Mind, Change Your Life
  • Manage Anxious Thoughts & Negative Thinking
  • And many more!

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