Thursday, December 8, 2022

Match Exceptions: How to Avoid Them & Correct Them

To avoid match exceptions, we recommend the following best practices: 
  • ensure that the PO and invoice details (full name of supplier, price, and quantity) match
  • submit invoices in PDF format
  • encourage suppliers to pay attention to response emails to invoice submissions, in case more information is needed
If you have a match exception, you will need to determine the cause of the exception and initiate the correction for the match exception. 

To determine the cause of the exception:
  1. From viewing the supplier invoice in Workday, you can see the reason for the match exception on the Invoice Lines tab in the Line Match Exception field
  2. Drill into the invoice lines (e.g., click the PO number to identify the quantity and/or price difference, review business documentation to view the original invoice) to better determine the cause of the variance.
To initiate the correction of the exception: 
  • Initiate Change Order: If you need to increase the quantity of the Purchase Order, you can submit a Change Order request.  
  • Initiate Invoice Correction: If you need to make significant changes such as changing the structure of the invoice or Purchase Order (needing to add or delete lines or adjust the price), you will need to submit an Invoice Correction Form
Learning Resources: 

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