Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Common Reasons Requisitions Don't Convert to a PO

Ever find yourself with a stubborn requisition that won't convert to a purchase order? 

There are a number of common reasons why a Workday requisition (RQ) does not convert to a purchase order (PO).  When you contact Ask Finance with this problem these are the top five issues they'll look at first.  While you're always welcome to contact the Solution Center team, we share these common reasons with you in the hope they'll alleviate some frustration:
  • One or more lines have a $0.00 line item
    • Solution: The line should be corrected. If you're claiming free products or samples, you should edit the requisition to note the free item(s) in the "memo to supplier" field. (See this post about Requisitions with Zero Dollar Lines)
    • Solution #2: If the supplier requires the $0.00 line item on the PO, send this to the Ask Finance team with a request that it be escalated to the Sourcing team for action (include the requisition number!). The team will manually grab the requisition to convert it to a PO.
  • One or more lines have a negative line item (credit amount)
    • Solution: Send this to the Ask Finance team with a request that it be escalated to the Sourcing team for support. Requisitions and purchase orders cannot include a negative value line.
  • The requisitioner does not have the appropriate security role (Workday Procurement Shopper)
    • Solution: Look at the business process to be sure that you don't have a cart assigned to a PO shopper with a business process awaiting action. Ensure that you have requested the appropriate security role for your position.
  • No cost center P2P approver 
    • Solution: Search the cost center in Workday. Select "roles" and see if the P2P Approver role is missing. If so, email AskFinance noting that the BP is hung up due to an unassigned approver and that a P2P approver needs to be identified for the cost center.
  • Wrong cost center in the Worktag string
    • Solution: Verify the worktag entered into the requisition.  Do you have the right security role to work with that cost center?
Again, we don't share these common issues to dissuade you from seeking Solution Center help, because we're definitely happy to assist.  We do know, however, that taking time out to stop what you're doing and involve someone else can be a bit trying, so we hope these tips help!  

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