Wednesday, July 12, 2023

This Just In: Goods and Services Guide Overhaul

Buying at UVA just became a little easier due to the overhaul of the Goods & Services Guide, which finished just this week after four months of intensive collaborative work by Procurement, as well as the Business Systems Team.

What Changed?

  • Updated goods/services descriptions with clearer language
  • One preferred method of payment (two at the most)
  • Ability to search on title with auto-population
  • Updates to sync with Workday Financials terminology and fields
The overhaul process began in March, with the Sourcing, Disbursement, Travel, and Business Solutions Teams meeting weekly and doing the necessary research to update the content relative to the commodities for which they were responsible. The teams truly thought through their policies and procedures with the aim to ensure that the descriptions were concise, accurate, and informative to users, and then worked with the Business Systems Team to upload 111 rows of data in a way that was easy to view and sort.

The team is pleased to deliver this final product to everyone, hoping that it minimizes confusion and helps to get work done with more ease. Please let us know via if you have questions or concerns.

Check out the brand new Goods & Services Guide on the UVAFinance webpage!

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