Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Finance Reporting and Analytics Release Notes for July 13th

Finance Reporting & Analytics Release notes for July 13 have been posted to the UVAFinance website.

This update includes significant new reports and modifications that have been released between May 22nd and June 30th as well as known issues that we are investigating or working on currently.

Thank you all for your patience as we worked through a few unexpected glitches as we rolled over fiscal years for the first time in Workday and the data warehouse. The data warehouse team, UBI team, and the Finance BI team reacted quickly to resolve the data load errors that occurred during the first couple of days of the new year. We will apply the lessons learned to strengthen the processes for next year.

For those interested, our Journal Lines table in the warehouse currently has 64,000,000 rows of data. Over the coming weeks and months, we will be evaluating the UBI applications to optimize performance where necessary which may require some changes to manage the data volumes. We will keep everyone posted as we make those decisions.

For those who use Budget or Fund Balance reports in Workday, please make note of the Period, Time Period, Plan Structure, Plan Name, and Budget Date prompts you are using based on your need to either look back at FY23 or forward to FY24. Most reports are set to prepopulate those prompts for the current period/fiscal year.

FY24 Working and Original Budgets are now available in both Workday and UBI Budget vs Actuals.

A friendly reminder that you always find this information and more reporting resources at:
Business Intelligence & Analytics | UVA Finance (

Here are just a few noteworthy highlights: 
  • Activity Stream has been added to the Details for Account Certifications report to streamline the review of account certifications – see Activity Stream | UVA Finance ( for more information about this new feature.
  • New Open Purchase Orders – Fully Invoice and Fully Paid report to quickly identify candidates for closing out open purchase orders which are complete.
  • New & Improved Track Purchase Order with Line Splits report which provides greater detail and improved usability over the existing Track Purchase Order report (includes line splits). Various
  • Grant/Award Budget vs Actuals reports have been updated so that Transfers and Interest Income transactions are included
  • Reminder: The Budget & Fund Balance reports in Workday generally default to the current fiscal period/year so be sure to update the prompts if you need to look backward.

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