Monday, July 17, 2023

Walker Receives NACUBO's 2023 Rising Star Award

Walker receives her honor at NACUBO on July 17.
We always knew she was a star.

UVAFinance's Executive Director for Financial Planning and Analysis Katie Walker is the 2023 winner of the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) Rising Star Award.  

The Rising Star Award recognizes an emerging leader in higher education finance and business whose record reflects ongoing and exceptional growth in contribution to the professional increased levels of leadership, responsibility, and sphere of impact.  Awardees are nominated by their peers, must have reference letters, and are judged against strict criteria by a selection committee.

Walker was among seven awardees honored for their outstanding contributions to higher education at NACUBO's 2023 Annual Meeting in Orlando.  

Congratulations, Katie!

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