Monday, June 22, 2020

Changes to FST Governance Structure

Throughout the different phases of Finance Strategic Transformation, the project team has received the help and guidance of various stakeholders from across the University. Feedback from these stakeholders is frequently gathered during regular meetings of different groups within the project’s governance model. Originally, there were three of these groups: the Steering Committee, the Advisory Group, and the Checkpoint Team. Later on, the Executive Committee (J.J. Davis, Liz Magill, Anda Webb, Melody Bianchetto, Adam Daniel, and James Gorman) was added to the governance groups.

Recently, several changes were made to further clarify the decision-making process for FST:
  •  The Leadership Council was added to the list of governance groups.
  •   Members of the Checkpoint Team will join one or more of the other remaining groups.
  •  The Executive Committee, Leadership Council, Functional Owners, and Workstream Leads are responsible for making decisions based on the RAPID guidelines.
  •  The Steering Committee, the Advisory Group, as well as Fiscal Administrators will provide input as part of the RAPID Decision-making process.

Want to know more about RAPID? You can read all about it here.

This process was already used to make one major decision for the project: to keep Chrome River or use Workday Expenses instead. With input from the governance groups, it was ultimately decided that UVA will use Workday Expenses. You can read more about this decision here.


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