Monday, July 20, 2020

Uncharted Territory: Sharing Resources During the Coronavirus Response

Resources & Updates from UVAHR

Talent Management

The UVA Talent Management Team will be hosting a manager training series as a continuation of our Leading Through Disruption Webinar under the moniker: “Leading Through Disruption: Managing Remotely… It’s The New Normal.” This 15-minute micro-training series will offer short sessions Monday through Thursday and each day will focus on a different topic about leading through disruption. To sign up for any or all of our sessions visit our course schedule.

All Academic Division faculty and staff are required to complete a “Return to Grounds” training module prior to the start of the Fall 2020 Semester. This module explains basic safety standards and behavioral expectations. At the end, you will be required to acknowledge that you have reviewed the content and agree to abide by the safety standards as outlined.

There is also a supplemental module available to managers that provides additional details necessary to support your team. We strongly encourage managers to review this video as well.

In the Return to Grounds Weekly Updates newsletter sent Thursday, July 9, UVAHR included a summary of the information sent to Academic Division managers. This content is available on the HR Website and contains important updates on preparations for returning to Grounds for all members of the UVA community. 

Request for work accommodations or modifications

Individual circumstances make some members of the University community more vulnerable than others to the effects of COVID-19, and UVA will make every effort to grant requests for reasonable accommodations or modifications from faculty, staff, and graduate teaching assistants. For information, see the UVA HR Return to Grounds website.

Resources from FEAP

Resources for individuals, managers, and parents:

FEAP has collected and created a wide variety of resources in support of your mental and emotional self. We encourage you to explore our libraries:

Upcoming Sessions and Events

Support sessions for employees and managers, plus sessions on healthy relationships, the positive impact of helping others, and more!  See all events here:

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