Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Useful Updates on FST website

There have been several updates to the FST website to improve your insight into decisions being made, who’s doing what, and what’s new and upcoming. 

The Decision Log

This resource logs all decisions that have been made – the columns indicate what the decision is, how and when the input was gathered, what tier the decision is, and where you can find additional supporting information. View it on the website. 

Read more about how decisions are made.

Learn more about FST's governance structure, and who makes the decisions.

Workday Words Dictionary

We keep adding to the Workday Words dictionary. The Workday Words dictionary is a resource to help you start to recognize when Workday terminology applies to you, but be assured that the project team is trying to be cognizant of blending new and old terms in our ongoing messaging.

Please share both Workday terminology and legacy terms that you think need to be defined.  UVA has lots of lingo and none of us can possibly know everything.  You can send terms to or share it with a member of the project team directly. 

Governance Lookup Feature Updated

For some time, we’ve had a lookup feature for Governance on the website.  You can search by your area and see who your representative is in the FST Governance groups.  As may remember, there have been changes to the Governance structure in Phase 3, so we’ve updated the lookup feature on the web to reflect that. Find the Governance Lookup here. 

Keep up with the Project Team

As the FST Project team grows, it can be hard to know who’s doing what, so we’re working on our contact page to explain what teams people are on and what they do.  This is a work in progress, obviously.  We've also done some work to explain what each group within the project team does – what their areas of responsibility are, what their function is, etc.  You can view that explanation here. 

Updates on Frequently Asked Questions

These questions were raised at Fiscal Administrators meetings and in other stakeholder interactions. We've organized them into broad categories for your convenience. You'll note that some of the questions have yet to be answered. Our aim is to continually update the questions asked, even when answers are unknown or incomplete, to maintain transparency and so you know the questions are on our radar. View the FAQs.

Let us know how we can help you and your team during Finance Strategic Transformation! Email or contact a member of the Office of Change Management. 

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