Tuesday, September 15, 2020

An Update on FST’s Spend Workstream and the Spend Focus Group


Sue Clements, Co-lead of FST’s Spend Workstream, gave an update for her team at last week’s Fiscal Administrators Meeting.

She started by introducing the four main areas with which the Spend Workstream is involved: Payee Registration & Management, Requisitions & Purchase Orders, Invoices & Payments, and Travel & Expense.

She then went on to discuss the Spend Focus Group, first sharing the list of the group’s participants who represent a wide range of the different schools and units across the University. Sue also listed some important dates related to Spend Focus Group events, such as the kickoff session that took place on September 1st and the first official meeting that took place this Monday, September 21st.

The September 21st meeting consisted of an overview of FDM and an introduction to the T & E Card strategy that is under consideration.

Below is a list of topics and activities the group plans to use in future meetings:

If you have any questions regarding the Spend Workstream or the Spend Focus Group, you can reach out to the workstream co-leads, Sue Clements and Jenn Glassman.


Want to listen in on this presentation?  Check out the September 16 Fiscal Administrator meeting recording; the Spend update starts at 28:25.



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