Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Workstreamacallit? - Who Does What in FST's Workstreams

To achieve the desired outcome of a true transformation with finance at UVA, the FST project draws on the expertise of team members and stakeholders from across Grounds and beyond. 

While all the water's moving in the same direction, the different workstreams converge to collaborate and diverge to focus on matters unique to their areas as the project necessitates. There's a lot of overlap between workstreams, as well as in personnel contributing to multiple areas. 

If you haven't got it all figured out in terms of which workstream does what, don't worryyou're not alone. But we aim to make that clearer. The FST website now has information about the workstreams, including updates about current work as well as overviews of each stream and sub-stream's focus.

Using the key activities menu, click on the workstream you'd like to learn more about. On the landing page, you'll see recent updates on activity, and from there you can click on the sub-streams listed to access the overviews for each one. 

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