Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Continuous Improvement Committee asks UVAFinance Leaders "How do you Challenge the Status Quo?"

To help employees toward completing the 2020 shared goal, the Continuous Improvement Committee is hosting a panel series discussing ways to challenge the status quo. 

The first of these panels, which took place on August 28, 2020, featured three senior leaders within UVAFinance: 

  • Melody Bianchetto (Vice President of Finance)
  • Augie Maurelli (Associate Vice President for Financial Operations)
  • Bill Ashby (Associate Vice President for Financial Strategy)
The discussion was insightful and full of great comments from all three panelists. Some of those comments include: 

  • "The sum of incremental wins equals transformation." 
  • "The decentralized higher education environment and the resulting need to engage broadly slows us down, but it's important." 
  • "Always ask, 'why are we doing this?' If we can't answer, we need to take a step back." 
  • "I've never seen fatigue for meaningful change for the positive." 
If you'd like to see the whole panel, you can watch the recording here.


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