Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Uncharted Territory: Sharing Resources During the Coronavirus Response

In last week's Return to Grounds update email, UVA leaders emphasized the importance of us all staying vigilant: wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid large gatherings, and seek care if you feel unwell. If necessary, respectfully and empathetically remind others to do these things as well, and presume best intentions of our colleagues, students, and community members. 

The Compliance Reporting portal is available to report egregious non-compliance, such as significant dangerous behaviors and chronic disregard for safety guidelines. Here's the link to UVA's Covid Tracker data dashboard.

Common Grounds Healing Arts offers virtual class series!

Zoom into a virtual weekly class to help build community and practice social distancing.  Their six-week early fall virtual class series began September 8.  Find dates, times, and series options on their website at this link.  

FEAP offers support and events

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