Thursday, June 10, 2021

Five Things to Know about FST: June 10, 2021


1. Customer Confirmation Sessions, Round 2 are ongoing.  We're about halfway through the sessions, which continue next week.  If you'd like to see materials from all sessions, visit the Online Community.  Please alert Brandi Van Ormer if you have any issues accessing Community materials.

2. Foundation Data Model: An overview of where things currently stand with the FDM (our chart of accounts for Workday) was part of Customer Confirmation Sessions.  We've summed things up in a blog post.

3. Budgeting in the future state:  The Adaptive Team is preparing for the build of Adaptive 3.0 (that will integrate w/Workday Financials at go-live).  You'll be able to see the annual budget and actuals in both Adaptive and Workday.  More on what will appear where in the blog.

4. Get an inside look at what Reporting will look like in Workday Financials:  The FST team has put together a short video to show you the basics of Reporting.  Check it out in the Online Community.

5. Revenue in Workday Financials:  We're moving to a ledger/sub-ledger system in Workday Financials, and that means we need to think about revenue a little differently.  Check out this explanatory piece from Danielle Hancock, Josh Breeden, and Lisa Shuler when you have some time, and don't forget:  Go Live is July 1, 2022!

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