Monday, June 28, 2021

Reframing the UVAFinance Web Presence

You might be surprised to know that UVAFinance has a total of 14 active websites that represent our varied departments and functions. Less surprising to you might be the challenges our many sites present to our customers when they're looking for information and assistance. Questions of which department handles what task and how processes flow between departments can make for a frustrating stakeholder experience.

The Finance Engagement Team has begun a number of projects aimed at improving service to our external and internal customers (you've read about the implementation of Salesforce here on the UVAFinance blog, for instance).

The next project for Finance Engagement is a redesign of the UVAFinance web presence that will ultimately bring our 14 sites into one, with content organized by task instead of by department. The team is planning on an agile rollout that begins this summer and brings in all UVAFinance departments over the next several months into early 2022.

Watch the UVAFinance blog for more information about the web project in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns, please contact Scott Adams or Brandi Van Ormer.

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