Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Summer Sprint Discussions: Join us to talk about Caste!

This summer, over a series of Sprint discussions beginning on June 17, we will review and discuss the bestselling book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson. We will discuss a section of the book during each sprint, using discussion questions to guide our conversations.  Visit the VP Finance site for a schedule of our discussions and suggested questions: 

If you are unable to read the book, please still join us. You will still be able to contribute to and learn from the discussions without reading it. In addition, before each discussion, the IE team will send the questions and additional resources for that week’s sprint conversation.

We really hope you will join us for some or all of the sessions, and please share the invitation with another UVA colleagues. These sessions are open to anyone who is interested, and we’ve already started expanding our group beyond UVAFinance, which is very exciting! 

The zoom link for all of the discussions is:


If you have any questions regarding the Sprint discussions, please contact Patty Marbury or ToShun Campbell.


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