Monday, June 28, 2021

FST Website: New FAQs, Workday Words, and More

There's new content on the FST website! As changes are made and new material becomes available, the FST Team constantly updates the website to keep stakeholders informed.

Here's a list of sections that were recently updated: 

Frequently Asked Questions

During the first round of Customer Confirmation Sessions, lots of questions were posed by stakeholders. Some of these were addressed in recent blog posts, but the FST Team also answered many of them in the second round of Customer Confirmation Sessions that took place earlier this month. You can find the new FAQs here. 

Workday Words Dictionary

This section update is also a result of CCS. Most sessions included a list of relevant terms before diving into more details. You can view all Workday Words and legacy terms here. If you know of any terms not on this list, please send suggestions to or by commenting on this thread in the Community. 

The Decision Log

Though there has been a lot of focus on CCS lately, that doesn't mean work in other areas of the project has stopped. Decisions were still presented to governance groups for input this month and a few final decisions were also made. Make sure to check out the Decision Log to see what's new.

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