Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wellness Resources

Parents Have Feelings Too

In this Hoos Well reward-eligible webinar, we will take a step back to get some perspective on this past year, what we’ve learned, what’s changed, and we will consider where we want to go next in our relationships with ourselves and with our kids. Learn strategies to grow your own emotion skills and come away with an understanding of the real-life value of emotional intelligence and why it is the greatest gift that we can give to our children.
June 8 and 24

Connect for Support - Employee Focus
Join a 30-minute drop-in session to check in with colleagues, share strategies for challenges you are facing, and discover resources available to help.
Sessions occur weekly on Tuesdays

Connect for Support - Manager Focus
Join a 30-minute drop-in session to check in with peers who share a similar experience and learn about new resources available to support you as you in turn support your team.
Sessions occur weekly on Thursdays

21 Ways in 21 Days to Rest and Restore
Our 21 Ways in 21 Days program offers you bite-size video tips on how to spend a few minutes a day tending to yourself. Register for access to our interactive calendar

Mindful Leadership Program

The next Mindful Leadership Program begins June 17! The program is open to UVA managers, leaders, and aspiring leaders. To register:
Log in to your eM Life account (first create free account, if needed)
Click this link.

Visit UVA HR’s Mindful Leadership Training webpage to read about the curriculum and how this program meets the prerequisite for an Advanced Mindful Leadership Training course offered by Hoos Well and the UVA Mindfulness Center.

 Hoos Well Opportunities

Exercise classes for employees and spouses on a UVA health plan, courtesy of IM-REC. Drop-in classes include Zumba, yoga, Barre, and Pilates; the small-group training courses include Couch to 5k, beginner weight training, and TRX Fusion, among others.

Wellbeats provides access to hundreds of virtual exercise classes, fitness instruction & nutrition education for employees on the UVA Health Plan. Learn how to schedule a Wellbeats Class and invite a friend.

FEAP's Community Resource Service

If you or your family are having a hard time meeting basic needs, the Employee Community Resource Service can connect you with local resources and guiding you to receive the help you need.

Below you will find a few opportunities to boost your financial well-being through our community partner, Piedmont Housing Alliance.

Financial Boot Camp:
In this monthly webinar series you will receive useful information on ways to improve finances and achieve financial goals. Learn more.

Virginia Housing Homebuyer Classes
These classes are held quarterly. Attendance is free, but registration is required.

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