Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A New Way to Reach OFP&A

The Office of Financial Planning and Analysis (OFP&A) has made the transition to Salesforce!  

We've been reporting in the blog how UVAFinance has steadily been implementing Salesforce in an effort to deliver more timely, consistent service to our stakeholders.  OFP&A is one of the newest departments to join the fold, and they're glad to add Salesforce to the mix of new and exciting recent developments in their department. 

When you need assistance from the OFP&A team, contact budget@virginia.edu .  We're making changes internally on our team to best serve you, but you don't have to remember who to contact for what, because the whole team will have insight into your needs and will collaborate to provide the best help possible -- quickly!  And don't worry:  we'll still have consistent assignments of analysts to units.  Salesforce allows us more flexibility, and your primary analyst will still be the first to pick up your inquiry when you send it to budget@virginia.edu


Read about Katie Walker, the new Executive Director of OFP&A

Visit the OFP&A website to see who's who on the team

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