Wednesday, July 28, 2021

FST Updates

Want to listen to this update instead of reading it? Click here to tune into the WFST Broadcast!

No time to read paragraphs?  Check out "Five Things to Know about WFST"

Project Timeline

 Finance Strategic Transformation is nearing the end of the configure and prototype phase.  We’re closing out a number of activities and getting ready to move forward with the testing phase.  The key activity our team is focused on at this moment is getting the next tenant of Workday Financials built and ready for the end-to-end testing that will kick off in September. The end-to-end tenant, as we’re calling this latest build of Workday Financials, will incorporate changes based on insights gained from the second round of Customer Confirmation sessions and other work in the configuration tenant.  End to end testing kicks off on September 1 and will continue through January 14 of 2022. 

Read more about the testing phase.

Meet Sunil Sah, the FST Testing Lead.

FDM Updates

Other things keeping the FST team busy these days include pursuing other great transformation activities including getting underway with FDM mapping activities.  Mapping leads from each school and unit will have a kickoff workshop next week to get that process underway.

As we work toward the go-live of July 1, 2022, we’ll have a time of frost and freeze.  Frost is when the velocity of change slows down and people commit to their FDM values.  Changes aren’t impossible at this point, but they’ll be slowed down significantly. Freeze is a timeframe that comes after frost, when there are no more FDM changes because the data will be in the process of being loaded into the UVA tenant of Workday Financials that we’ll use at go-live.

Read more about frost and freeze.

Other transformations in progress

Besides the Workday Financials and Adaptive Planning implementations, there are many other transformations taking place.  Check out installment number three of the continuous improvement/process improvement projects taking place as a part of FST to and see all the cool things that are going on that will make doing finance at UVA better.


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