Thursday, July 15, 2021

PaymentWorks: What have we accomplished and what's next?

Yes, it's true: PaymentWorks goes live in just a few months.

That means UVA will transition from using Jaegger’s Total Supplier Management, currently integrated with Oracle, to instead using PaymentWorks with Oracle. At the time of Workday go-live, PaymentWorks will then be connected with Workday to provide seamless supplier registration processing. While this may seem sudden, the PaymentWorks team has been working towards this goal for quite a while.

Here’s a list of just some of the things they accomplished earlier this year:

  • Initial data-mapping, sandbox configuration, and training completed in January
  • UVA-specific design, configuration, and testing of registration templates completed in February
  • Integration specifications completed in March
  • Integration development and testing currently underway

Of course, work doesn’t stop after PaymentWorks goes live with Oracle. There is still plenty to do to prepare before Workday goes live. Starting in September, the Supplier Management team in Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services will send out invitations to a pilot group of vendors, asking them to sign up through PaymentWorks. The team will then analyze the process and work with the PaymentWorks team to adjust it accordingly. This process of inviting suppliers to register will continue through May of 2022.

While the impact to departmental users who wish to invite a supplier to register will be relatively minimal, the benefits include the ability for end-users to track registration status and the opportunity to customize the email invitation sent to a supplier. 

PaymentWorks has received a lot of positive feedback from our FST governance groups. For example, when Jonathan Agop demoed PaymentWorks during May’s Fiscal Administrators meeting, attendees were engaged and very enthusiastic about the platform’s implementation.

For more information or to view the demo, you can watch the Fiscal Administrators meeting here. And make sure to keep an eye on this space for future PaymentWorks updates.

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