Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Five Things to Know about FST: July 29, 2021

1.  Next week, mapping leads from each school and unit will take part in a kickoff event with the FST team to get the FDM Mapping work underway.  Read more about the start of mapping.

2.  As we work toward go-live, FDM activities will have a time of both frost and freeze:  frost is when changes to FDM values slow down, and freeze is a time period where no more changes can be made because the data will be being loaded into the UVA  tenant of Workday Financials.  Read more here.

3.  The FST team is busy getting the next tenant of Workday Financials built and ready for end-to-end testing, which kicks off on September 1 and continues through January 14.  Read more about the testing phase.

4.  FST is more than just a tech implementation!  Besides implementing Workday Financials and Adaptive Planning, there are also lots of other continuous improvements going on.  Check out our third installment of transformations in progress on the blog.

5. As we wrap up the Configuration & Prototype phase of the FST project, we're excited to get a version of the tenant ready that reflects insight from the second round of Customer Confirmation Sessions.  It's a big step toward go-live in July of 2022!

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