Wednesday, January 26, 2022

FDM Mapping Sprint Ends; Security Role Mapping Sprint Begins

It's the end of an era and the beginning of another! The Sprint led by Elissa Morton, Jacob Mair, and Katie Walker to get 85% of the FDM mapping done by January14 has ended successfully, reaching its goals.  

THANK YOU to the sprint leaders, our functional team, and all the sprint participants for your hard work!

Of course, work on FDM mapping will continue, but the focus of the sprints will shift to another big piece of the FST and Workday Financials puzzle:  Security Role Mapping.  

We've repurposed the weekly FDM All Pods meetings and office hours to focus on this subject.  Last week, Augie Maurelli kicked off the discussion with a high-level overview of what’s to come, and we’ve started documenting business processes, frequently asked questions, and much more in the online community.  

Thank you to everyone who's stepping up for this next sprint effort! 

Check out the Community Resources here: 

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