Tuesday, January 11, 2022

UVA Business Terms online dictionary launched

The Business Intelligence Team has launched a dictionary of business terms in an effort to have all of UVA "speak the same language" when it comes to doing business at UVA.  Moving forward, the Business Terms site will be the source of truth on the meaning of business terminology.  

Think of it as UVA's Rosetta Stone, ensuring common understanding. 

The site is currently populated with several pages of searchable definitions (from "Accounting Date" to "Working Budget") and users can request a definition via a form on the site.  

Mark Anderson, Director of Business Intelligence and one of the leaders of this effort, stresses that although UVAFinance is hosting the site, the dictionary itself belongs to all of UVA and is a collaborative effort based on input from all stakeholders.

"Just like any language is a living and growing thing, we expect that the terms available in this online dictionary will grow and change with UVA as we move through Finance Transformation and past it," says Anderson.

Visit UVA Business Terms Site

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