Wednesday, January 26, 2022

FST Update: January 27, 2022


  Listen to the update instead of reading it on WFST Radio!

We’re in the final six months running up to the go-live of Workday Financials.  Remember, though:  the launch of the tool doesn’t mean the end of the project.  It will take three to six months of stabilization as we all adjust to new ways of doing business and build new work routines before we will see many of the benefits.

FDM Mapping Sprint Segues to Security Role Mapping Sprint

The FDM mapping sprint is complete!  We reached our goal of having 85% of the mapping tackled.  Mapping efforts will continue, but the weekly FDM All Pods meetings and office hours will focus on Security Role Mapping.  The roles we identify during this process are the lynchpin in so many things, not the least of which is the role-based training we’re developing.

Read more on the blog.

Testing Updates

 End-to-end testing will wrap up soon – the team is working on mitigating the defects found in testing and identifying folks from across Grounds to participate in user experience review.  Change Leaders from each school and unit are helping the team to identify folks from their areas who could take part in this effort – we’re grateful that there are so many folks interested in taking the system for a test drive. 

Read more:  End-to-End and UER

Adaptive Planning

Over on the Adaptive Planning team, they are also doing end-to-end testing, and they’ve got a whole group of folks from across UVA helping them ensure that Workday’s budgeting software is ready to integrate with Workday on July 1.  They’re even getting to take the new FDM for a test drive while they test.

Read more on the blog.

System Remediation

Of the 172 systems the System Remediation Network has identified that will interact with Workday, 70 systems won’t require any remediation, 87 systems need remediation, and 15 systems (including Recon@) will be decommissioned as a result of the Workday Implementation.

Read more on the blog

Roles in the Future State 

We're welcoming Joey Carls from the School of Education and Human Development in the new role of Finance User Success Manager and our own SueClements will be the Director of Workday financial systems and data support.



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