Thursday, January 13, 2022

FST Update January 13, 2022

Happy New Year!


 We’ve been gathering information on new roles and processes along with reporting and analytics, technology, and policy. That information is guiding tailored training that will be available in May and June of 2022. Users can take a self-paced training in May or wait for live instructor-guided training available in June. Some personnel may want to take both trainings. The training will be tailored specifically for roles and help address questions we've collected throughout the process thus far.

Read more about training in this blog article.


End-to-end testing continues.  The team was thrown for a bit of a loop what with our snowy start to 2022 and all the power outages it brought with it, but they’re working hard to catch up and also preparing for User Experience Review.  In March, they’ll be working with our Change Leaders across UVA to identify folks who can take the system for a test drive.

Read an E2E testing update on the blog.

Reporting & Analytics

We’ve shared before how UBI would still be around after the implementation of Workday Financials, but recently Mark Anderson clarified that after working with their reporting and analytics focus groups from across Grounds, the team has determined that UBI’s role in the future state will be larger than previously expected.  We’re not moving away from Workday Financials reporting but the team is planning on taking advantage of some of the capability UBI has to make for a better experience after go live.  

Foundation Data Model (FDM)

Mappers from schools and units are meeting weekly and attending office hours as well, to work through the twists and turns of converting the PTAO to the FDM.  We’ve built up quite a bank of resources and news in the online community about this topic.  Visit the resources on the FDM Resource Page and catch up with the weekly FDM Bulletin.

Business Terms site Launches

Building upon the financial glossaries and Workday Words working documents we began with early on in the project, our business intelligence team has put together a new Business Terms website available for all.  You can find definitions to frequently-used terminology on the site, and you can submit a request for definitions, too.

Read more on the blog and visit the site.

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