Monday, January 24, 2022

From UVA Sustainability: MLK Event

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Affordable Housing is Sustainable Housing

Monday, January 31 from 6:00-7:30pm on Zoom

Register here

Affordable housing has long been a challenge our community faces, and housing can’t be truly affordable unless it is thoughtfully designed with sustainability principles in mind. Join the UVA Sustainability Civic Engagement Sub-committee (CES) and the Community Climate Collaborative (C3) for a virtual event in conjunction with the UVA Community MLK Celebration. Speakers from PHA, PEC, Cultivate Charlottesville, and LEAP will each share points of interconnection for just and equitable housing and climate solutions.

We look forward to great conversation with our amazing panelists Dr. Melody Jackson (PHA), Claudette Grant (UVA Health), Peter Krebs (PEC), Richard Morris (Cultivate Charlottesville), and Chris Meyer (LEAP). 

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