Friday, April 22, 2022

Change Readiness Assessment #5: The last one before go-live!


The FST Change Management Team has tracked change readiness throughout the project using several assessments. Now, with go-live only a few months away, the Team is preparing for the fifth and final round of change readiness assessment. 

The first three assessments were done via surveys distributed to stakeholders across the University. The fourth and most recent round of assessment was a little different: feedback was gathered through readiness dashboards filled in by Advisory Group Change Leaders and from Focus Group participants. 

In the final round of readiness assessment, the Change Management Team is utilizing both a survey (to be released at the beginning of May) and feedback gathered from the readiness dashboards, UER sessions, and FST Fridays. Insight gathered from these numerous methods will inform the FST Project Team of the support needed before, during, and after go-live. 

You can find more information on the fifth round of change readiness assessment here

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